#REMAKE ONLY!!! #running interactively - change $INPUTFILE to $INPUTFILE and $env(PCDFDIR) to $PCDFDIR #uncomment first 3 lines, comment 4th line #set INPUTFILE GI0749.1 #set PCDFDIR /home/cdfsoft/dist/releases/4.11.1 source $env(scriptdir)/runCalor_4111.tcl module input FileInput talk FileInput input add $env(remake_input_file) luminosityLog set lumi.log # # Report on every event processed in validation # statusFile set 1 show exit ##module input DHInput ##talk DHInput ## cache set DCACHE ## include fileset $env(INPUTFILE) book=cdfptop ## ## luminosityLog set test/lumi_ele_$env(INPUTFILE).log ## statusFile set 100 ## ###Limit set by beamline availability ## selectEvents set run<=163527 ## ## show ##exit set HISTFILE phoenix_test.root if [file exists $HISTFILE] { exec rm $HISTFILE } mod talk HepRootManager histfile set $HISTFILE createHistoFile set true show exit #--------------------------- # Turn on/off modules #--------------------------- module disable ConfigManager #--------------------------- # setup the path #--------------------------- path disable AllPath path create Path-Inclusive ManagerSequence \ TrackRefitModule \ ZVertexModule \ CalorimetryModule \ MuonLinkerModule \ CdfMetModule \ CprClusterModule \ CentralStripClusterModule \ EmClusterModule \ CdfEmObjectModule \ CentralStripClusterModule-pi0reco \ CesMatchingModule \ Pi0ReconstructionModule \ TauFinderModule \ JetCluModule-cone0.4 \ JetCluModule-cone0.7 \ JetCluModule-cone1.0 \ TofManager CT_TrackingModule CosmicFinderModule \ PhoenixTracking SiPatternRecModule PhoenixElectrons path enable Path-Inclusive #--------------------------- #Setup the output file for 4.9.1 #--------------------------- #source $env(PCDFDIR)/Production/defaultOutputKeepList.tcl source $env(SRT_PUBLIC_CONTEXT)/Production/defaultOutputKeepList.tcl talk FileOutput parmSetName set TopSel output create Stream-Inclusive $env(remake_output_file) output path Stream-Inclusive Path-Inclusive defaultKeepList Stream-Inclusive output keepList Stream-Inclusive -add CdfEmObjectView CdfMuonView CdfJetView CdfJetColl CdfMet \ TopSummary FastZVertexColl ZVertexColl \ TopMassFitSummary SecVtxColl SecVtxTracks CosmicRayInfo CdfTrackColl Stream-Inclusive compression set true fileSize set 500000 exit show exit show # Break ErrorLoggerManager's Trappist vows! # Make ErrorLoggerManager talk. INFO level messages are suppressed by default # We want to read INFO level messages, especially for short tests! #talk ErrorLoggerManager # severity set SUCCESS # show #exit # # talk ErrorLoggerManager # remoteDest # localFile set myerror.log # threshold set INCIDENTAL # exit # exit # # process all the event from the input file # #begin -nev 100 begin # # show timing etc in the end of job # show exit