原和彦准教授 令和3年度の科学技術賞(科学技術振興部門)文部科学大臣表彰
HARA Kazuhiko, received the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on Awards for Science and Technology (Science and Technology Promotion Category) of 2021.


同氏はシリコン検出器の開発を通じてUA2実験、CDF実験、ATLAS実験と最前線の素粒子実験を遂行し、W/Z、トップクォーク、ヒッグス粒子の発見や精密測定に貢献しました。Google scholarのh指数では日本人最高(筑波大学調べ)である。福島第一原発1号炉から3号炉の燃料デブリの状況を宇宙線ミュー粒子を用いて観測したが、これには素粒子実験の技術を用いている。

He has conducted development of silicon detectors for the energy-frontier experiments, UA2, CDF and ATLAS leading to the discovery and precision measurements of W/Z, top and Higgs particles. He records the highest Google Scholar h-index (according to the University survey) among Japanese researchers. He also investigated the status of nuclear debris in the Units 1-3 of Fukushima Daiichi using cosmic muons and the technologies developed for the high-energy experiments.




University of Tsukuba President Nagata awarded "President Award" to him and Professor Taniguchi, June 9th. Vice-president Wada is also on the photo. gakucho