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12月21日(日) 12:45受付開始(13:30講演開始)    会場:富士Calm 大研修室
氏  名
所  属
題  目
Session 1 Chair: M. Yokoyama (U. Tokyo)
13:30 R. Kitano KEK/IPNS Opening remarks 10
13:40 M. Friend  KEK/IPNS Recent results from the T2K experiment 30
14:10 M. Koike Utsunomiya U. Matter effect in long baseline neutrino oscillation 25
14:35 H. Kuboki KEK/Acc Beam monitors in J-PARC 25
15:00 M. Ishitsuka Tokyo Tech. Double Chooz physics results and prospects 25
15:25-15:45 Coffee break
Session 2 Chair: F. Suekane (Tohoku U.)
15:45 T. Bezerra Tohoku U. Double Chooz near detector commissioning 25
16:10 S. Mine UCI Atmospheric neutrino and proton decay studies in Super-Kamiokande 30
16:35 A. Suzuki Kobe U. Hyper-K physics potentials and R&D 30
17:05 M. Relich Chiba U. The online search for extremely-high energy cosmic neutrinos with IceCube for multi-messanger astronomy 20
17:30 T. Ota Saitama U. Mind the gap on Icecube: Cosmic neutrino spectrum and muon anomalous magnetic moment 25
19:00-21:00 Banquet
Session 3 Chair: A. Ichikawa (Kyoto U.)
9:00 T. Kuwabara Chiba U. The atmospheric neutrino measurements by IceCube 20
9:20 R. Gaior Chiba U. The end-to-end calibration for ARA experiment 20
9:40 A. Ishihara Chiba U. Detector R&D for the Next Generation IceCube - IceCube-Gen2 20
10:00 S.Nagataki RIKEN Theoretical Study for Unveiling the Origins of VHE-Neutrinos in the Near Future 20
10:20-10:40 Coffee break
Session 4 Chair: T. Maruyama (KEK/IPNS)
10:40 M. Nakamura Nagoya U. Short report on OPERA 5
10:45 S. Aoki Kobe U. GRAINE project: First massive production and use of "High sensitive emulsion gel film" 20
11:05 T. Fukuda Toho U. Neutrino experiments with nuclear emulsion at J-PARC 20
11:25 S. Kumano KEK Neutrino-nucleus interactions in the DIS region 25
11:50 S. Nakamura Osaka U. Neutrino interactions in the resonance region 20
12:10-14:30 Group photo, Lunch
Session 5 Chair: O. Sato (Nagoya U.)
14:30 S. Tsuno KEK Tera-scale particle physics at LHC 45 Guest
15:15 N. Kanda Osaka City U. New Developments in Astrophysics Through Multi-Messenger Observations of Gravitational Wave Sources 45 Guest
16:00 S. Hasegawa JAEA Status of sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC MLF 30 Guest
16:30-16:50 Coffee break
Session 6 Chair: K. Yamamoto (Osaka City U.)
16:50 K. Kohri KEK Determination of neutrino mass hierarchy from cosmology 20
17:10 O. Tajima KEK Angle calibration system for CMB telescope - quest for neutrino hierarchy using CMB polarization 20
17:30 M. Komatsu Nagoya U. Tau Neutrino physics in SHiP at CERN 15
17:45 K. Takemasa U. Tsukuba Development of STJ detector for cosmic background neutrino decay search 30
18:15 E. Iwai KEK Status of LArIAT (beam test experiment) 25
18:40 O.Sato Nagoya U. An experimental proposal "The first observation of neutrino nucleus coherent scattering" 15
Session 7 Chair: T. Yoshida (Fukui U.)
9:00 K. Sakashita KEK Status of LAr TPC R&D (1) 20
9:20 M. Tanaka Osaka U. Neutrino Spectroscopy with Atoms and Molecules 35
9:55 S. Yoshida Osaka U. Development of new measurement technique of 48Ca β decay background for the study of 48Ca 0νββ decay 20
10:15 H. Furuta Tohoku U. Status of liquid scintillator base reactor monitor 25
10:40-11:00 Group photo, Coffee break
Session 8 Chair: S. Ban and S. Yanagita (kyoto U.)
11:00 T. Hiraki Kyoto U. Recent beam study using T2K muon monitor 20 *
11:20 Y. Suda U. Tokyo New event reconstruction algorithm of water Cherenkov detectors 15 *
11:35 T. Okudaira U. Tsukuba R&D status of the SOI-STJ detector 15 *
11:50 R. Senzaki U. Tsukuba R&D status of the cold preamplifier 15 *
12:05 R. Hirose U. Fukui Far-Infrared source R&D 15 *
12:20 R. Sasaki Iwate U. Status of LAr TPC R&D (2) 15 *
12:35 T. Nakaya Kyoto U. Closing statement
(*) Talk with the asterisk mark will be given in Japanese.

中家 剛(京大理・カブリIPMU)、久世 正弘(東工大理)、 塩澤 真人(東大宇宙線研・カブリIPMU)、 吉田 滋(千葉大理)、 中村 光廣(名大理)、金 信弘(筑波大数理)、丸山 和純(KEK)、 安田 修(首都大理工)、佐藤 透(阪大理)、北野龍一郎(KEK)、横山広美(東大理)
研究会世話人: 金・武内(筑波大)、北野(KEK)
E-mail: nfws2014-utkb[atmark]