Pulse height and efficiencies
The top plot shows the threshold in mV at 50% efficiency (median) as a function of strip number. The laser was injetced on sampling strips (at position (B) of the above) of channles 0, 20, 40,.., 100, 140, 180,..., 740, 767 (counting from 0). The bottom plot shows the efficiencies at a threshold voltage of 150 mV of the laser injected strip (red), and its neighbors (green and blue).
The leakage current of this silicon sensor was high and the following 24 channels have been laser trimmed at the readout traces: 69, 145, 164, 212, 214, 216, 242, 243, 245, 248, 288, 289, 292, 308, 314, 337, 339, 420, 580, 587, 635, 718, 720.