Plots from CPR tube tests : B field tests

KA2626 : -550 V
N.D. 1.0 : roughly 1000 photoelectrons

Definition of the coordinate system.
Same as Hamamatsu in y and z, the opposite direction in x.
Note the respose plots below comes with the back view (cross talks are the front view, ok). Will fix this later.

B field along x or y axis. Created by a pair of magnets.
Field is 30- 40 Gauss, fairly uniform, and almost zero ( < 0.5 G ) for other components.
B =0 : Response Cross talk
B // -y : Response Cross talk
B // +y : Response Cross talk
B // +x : Response Cross talk
B // -x : Response Cross talk
B =0 : Response (reference) Cross talk

B field along z axis. Created by magnet at the bottom of the tube case.
Field at the outside of the cathode surface of the tube is about 2 Gauss (center) and 5 Gauss (outer channels).
Must be stronger insdie closer to the bottom, namely at the dynodes and anodes.
Also x and y components may be non-negligible (up to 2-3 Gauss)
B =0 : Response Cross talk
B // -z : Response Cross talk
B // +z : Response Cross talk
B =0 : Response (reference) Cross talk

Compatible with Hamamatsu results (which is for 64-channel version, though).
Most affected by B field in negative y direction.
Not really sensitive to B field in x (+ or -) direction.
Can be sensitive in -z direction.

Cross talk changes are totally unnoticeable even at 50 Gauss in x or y, and a few G in z.

Overall, 1-Gauss fields expected inside the mu-metal shields should not affect anything at all.

Fumihiko Ukegawa
Last modified: Mon Jan 20 17:48:41 JST 2003