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Tevatron Overview ; Booster

Protons follow sequence below
  1. CockCroft
  2. LINAC
  3. Booster ; 400MeV → 8GeV, 475m-circum., 15Hz
  4. Main Injector
  5. Tevatron
Anti-Protons follow sequence below
  1. Target and Sweeper
  2. Li-Lense
  3. DeBuncher
  4. Accumulator
  5. Recycler
  6. Main Injector
  7. Tevatron
And Anti-Protons are recycled as follows
  1. Tevatron
  2. Main Injector
  3. Recycler
  4. Main Injector
  5. Tevatron

yoshiaki.fujii@kek.jp, Mar.27,2004 at JPS Kyushu