TGSW 2016 Session 6
- 2016/9/17 - 18 TGSW2016 Session 6 : Universe Evolution and Matter Origin
The session "Universe Evolution and Matter Origin" has been held in 17-18/Sep/2016
at Tsukuba International Congress Center by "Center for Integrated Research in
Fundamental Science and Engineering" (CiRfSE), especially "Research Core for
the History of the Universe", as a part of "Tsukuba Global Science Week" (TGSW) 2016 program, which is organized by University of Tsukuba. Our research Core includes the following 3 divisions; (1)Antarctic Astronomy, (2)Elementary Particles, and (3)Quark Nuclear Matters. These 3 divisions are trying to cooperate together to find out the "dark-" matter, energy and galaxies and to understand the origin of matter, phase transition and structure formation as well as their fluctuation and evolution. Two half-day sessions have been completed with total 12 talks from these 3 divisions as in the following. The total number of participants were 47 including 17 people from outside of our university. There were various interesting presentations about on-going projects from the 3 divisions and about current understandings as well as the future projects. I would also like to appreciate for having fruitful discussions during and after the sessions, even including the individual and separated meetings in the afternoon of the 2nd and following days. We would like to and need to keep up these discussions for our future plans.
TGSW2015 Universe Evolution and Matter Origin Talks (pdf,pptx):
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